Difference between heating and Stretching

Heating and stretching, both of which are important factors in the exercise should not be abandoned.
Both are useful to prepare and improve the performance of the body during exercise. The risk of injury can be prevented if you diligently do the warm-up and stretching.
So what is the difference between warm up and stretch?
Here's an explanation of the two activities, according to Dr. Nicholas DiNubile, MD, a surgeon orthopedic sports medicine specialist at the University of Pennsylvania.
Wam-up or heating is carried out as a preparation before exercise and activity. Heating is becoming increasingly necessary when you get older, especially if the person concerned memeiliki orthopedic disease or injury.
Heating is usually solved with a little sweat after the body condition of the body temperature begins to rise. When body temperature increases the body's tissues will be more elastic so they can avoid injuries and muscle cramps.
The muscles and tendons (tendon-tendon) has viscoelasity nature, meaning that the muscles and tendons will react differently to body temperature conditions are different. The physical properties of muscles and tendons are very different. When conditions are cold then they become easy stiff and tense. Conversely, if the condition is warmed up the muscles and tendons will be more elastic as a bungee cord.
Based on the nature of that warming up before exercise is necessary. Heating can usually be done with a light cardio exercises like running in place or jumping jacks for 1-5 minutes. When you feel your body is starting to warm it means you are ready to start the main exercise.
Meanwhile stretching or stretching is different. If the above-mentioned that the conditions will be easy cold muscle injury, then the condition of the muscles or muscle groups tense and stiff also prone to injury.
This is where the role of stretching or stretching required. Stretching require maneuvering or movement that can extend and stalling with soft parts of the body muscles and tendons. The right time to stretch is after adequate heating.
Stretching can be performed safely every day and should involve all major muscle groups (main). Generally, the adults have four points tense muscles that can be estimated in advance. The four points, namely; the front of the shoulder, lower back, knees and calf muscles.
If you are already experiencing muscle cramps or muscle are interested, then the chances of muscle tension has occurred at four points earlier.
You need to know that the combination of heating and stretching is needed before exercise. Especially for exercises involving sudden movements such as lifting, throwing, or throwing.
For example, when you are weight training then you should warm up and stretch on the parts that will engage the muscle during weight training. Such as stretching the back muscles, arms, or neck.
Another example of when you are going to do a practice run, you should warm up your body feels warm and proceed with stretching in the calf muscles, knee and ankle. After warming up and stretching pretty you are ready to run.
Stretching can also be done during exercise and after exercise, or can also be done in the midst of your busy life outside akitivitas exercise, to prevent muscle tension from sitting too long or standing too long.
Now you do not need to be confused with the term warm up and stretch as both are two different things with the same benefits as good.