how to lose body fat
If you want this year further improve physical fitness and wants to be free of fat, there is an exercise program that is right for it. Let's find out!
Circuit training
Circuit training or circuit training has recently been a trend in fitness training program, not infrequently bodybuilding athletes also use this exercise program, even non-athletes can use this exercise program.
Many benefits can be obtained from this circuit training program, ranging from muscle building, optimizing exercise to burn more fat.
This time will share tips on exercises using circuit training program to remove more fat in the body, what the hell training?
Here 4 circuit training that you can try:
Fat Loss Circuit 1
Dumbbell Goblet Squat
How to do it:
Stand up and both hands holding one end of the dumbbell simultaneously in the chest
Legs wide open legs slightly exceeds the hip (starting position)
Then do the squat movement until almost touching the back of the thigh calf
Elbows touching the quadriceps
Make sure your back straight and hold briefly below
then back to the starting position
Perform 8 reps
How to do it:
Hanging body position and hand grip bar Pull-Up
Position the feet straight down
Board appointed to the chin over the bar
Inhale as you lower the weight and exhale when lifting body
Perform 8 reps
Barbell Ab Rollout
How to do it:
Prepare a barbell on the floor (with a 2.5kg load - 5 kg on each side)
Position the body such as push-ups, but both arms holding the bar
Then lift your pinggunl pulling dumbbells toward your feet
So that your back is bent, keep your arm to keep .memegang barbell
Then push back to the starting position
Perform 10 reps
Push – Ups
How to do it:
Position the body face down.
Both palms touching the floor.
Then lower your body, while bending the elbow to the chest. almost touching the floor.
Keep your legs straight.
Then lift your body back to its original position.
Perform 15 reps.
Romanian Deadlift
How to do it:
Prepare a barbell on the floor.
Hold the bar with palms facing down.
Hand width slightly exceeds the width of the shoulders.
Bend your knees and your back slightly.
Lift the dumbbells until your back straight upright body.
Then lower back to the starting position.
Perform 8 reps.
Side Plank
How to do it:
Lie on your side with one hand into a pedestal and legs straight
Hold your waist to
Then lower your hips until almost touching the floor
Climbed back to its original position
Perform 20 reps on each side
Fat Loss Circuit 2
Dumbell Split Squat
How to do it:
Prepare bench or box that is in the gym
Stand back to the bench
Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides
Palms facing each other
Then put one foot on a bench (starting position)
Then lower your body by bending your elbows feet
Lift back to starting position
Repeat on the opposite leg
Perform 8 reps on each leg
Inverted Row
How to do it:
Prepare barbell on the rack and set the height of your waist level.
Hold the bar with both hands and body position facing up.
Straight hands and legs straight.
Then lift your body until your chest nearly touching the bar.
Lower back.
Perform 12 reps.
One Arm Dumbbell Row
How to do it:
Prepare the bench, put one hand and one foot on it.
Hold a dumbbell in the other hand.
Then pull the dumbbell up parallel to the sides of your body.
Then lower back.
And repeat on the opposite side.
Perform 10 reps.
Barbell Banch Press – Medium Grip
How to do it:
Lie on a flat bench
Prepare barbbell in the rack bar (preferably using training partner).
Hold the grip barbbell with medium or medium wide (handle with .sudut 90 degrees in the middle between the forearm and upper arm).
Remove the barbell off the rack and lift with straight arms (starting position).
Then slowly lower the dumbbells you up to almost touch the chest.
Hold for a few moments, then lift back to the starting position.
Perform 8 reps.
Kettlebell One-Legged Deadlift
How to do it:
Hold the kettlebell with one hand
And beridirilah with one foot slightly in the lift
Then lower the kettlebell with bent backs
let the foot of one leg straight backward
then lift the kettlebell back
and repeat the reverse side
do 8 reps on each side
Palfof Press
How to do it:
Prepare a low pulley cable in position
Position your body in addition to cable and grab the hand grip with one hand
Bend your knees about 90 degrees
And pull the cable with a straight arm fore chest
Then the one hand to grasp the hand holding the handgrip
Position the feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent
Then pull the cable toward your chest with your arms bent elbows
Then return to the starting position
Repeat on opposite side
Perform 8 reps on each side
Fat Loss Circuit 3
Walking lunges
How to do it:
Walk with one foot stepping far ahead
Bend your front leg to 90 degrees and back knee almost touches the floor
Then do the opposite leg
Perform 10 reps on each leg
Dumbbell Bent – Over Rows
How to do it:
Position Stand with feet shoulder-width apart
Push your hips slightly to the rear
Keep your back flat and position it slightly straight torso on the floor
Grasp a dumbbell
Lift the dumbbell towards the upper abdomen, below the chest, shoulders remain straight position
Pause, then slowly lower the dumbbell until your arms straight
Perform 8 reps on each arm
Plank Walkout
How to do it:
Position the body such as push-ups
Hands and legs straight, keep your back straight
Then your arms move forward one step, or as much as possible
Key legs from moving
Then return the arm to its original position
Now turn your feet stepped back as much as possible
and the key to not move your hands
do 8 reps
Dumbbell Curl And Press
How to do it:
Hold a dumbbell in both arms at your sides
Stand with your feet hip-width apart
Lift the dumbbell up to your shoulder level
palms facing shoulder
then lift again until the dumbbell straight up and straight arms
then return the dumbbells to your shoulders again
and lower to the starting position
do 8 reps
Single Leg Glute Bridge
How to do it:
Lie supine on the floor
Flat feet touching the floor
keuda bend the knee
hand widened laterally
then lift one leg up until almost parallel to the chest (starting position)
then lift your hips as much as possible
then lower your hips to the starting position
do 10 reps on each leg
Lateral Crawls
Lateral CrawlsHow to do it:
position of the body such as push-ups
hold hands, feet, and back to keep it straight
then walked to the side with hands on each other
Repeat in the opposite direction
Perform 10 reps on each side
Fat Loss Circuit 4
Dumbbell Rear Lunges
How to do it:
Stand with feet about the back and both hands holding the dumbbell
Then drag one foot backward as far as possible up front legs .membentuk corner
Return to the starting position
And repeat on the opposite leg
Perform 8 reps on each leg
Half – Kneeling Face Pulls
How to do it:
Bend your knees about 90 degrees.
Hold the handgrip cable which has been arranged parallel to your face.
Align your hands.
Then pull the cord until almost touching your face.
Then go back to the original position.
Perform 12 reps.
Plank with Twist
How to do it:
Plank body position with both arms into the pedestal
Then turn your body to the side, holding up one hand vertically straight up
Hold for a few moments
And back to the plank position
Repeat on opposite side
Perform 8 reps on each side
Incline Dumbbell Press
How to do it:
Prepare benc with a slope of about 35 degrees
Then lay your body on the bench
Hold a dumbbell in both hands at the bend and place it parallel to your chest
Then push up until your arms straight
Lower back
Perform 8 reps
Ball Leg Curl
How to do it:
Prepare a gym ball
Lie on your back with both legs leaning on a gym ball (to the extent calf) - initial position
Hand widened laterally on the floor
Then lift your hips as high as possible
Until the heel touches the ball.
Lower back to the starting position
Perform 8 reps
Ab Roller
How to do it:
Ab roller grasp with both hands on the floor.
knees bent about 90 degrees.
then push the ab roller body forward until your chest nearly touches the floor.
lock the foot to stay strong and not move.
return it to its original position.
do 8 reps.
Well fitness mania, that's the fourth circuit training to reduce your body fat. Keep in mind to do a 2 minute break between sets her, and do not rest between movements. Good luck!