Ladies, Want more Slim body? Let's Try This Exercise

There are many exercises to make your body more slim or sleek to look more sexy, like the following exercise.

Ladies, Want more Slim body? Let's Try This Exercise

In this exercise movement you just use your bodyweight or weight alone as an exercise load without using any tools that can do at home.

Here are 5 exercises to make your body leaner and fat-free of course:


Ladies, Want more Slim body? Let's Try This Exercise

How to do it:
position of the body such as crawling
put your palms overlapping right in front of the chest
then open the feet wider than your hips
hold your abs muscles and lift your right leg straight diagonal upward
then return to starting position and do the reverse side
do as much as 30-40 reps
targets: shoulder, chest, core muscles, gluteal muscle and hamstring


Ladies, Want more Slim body? Let's Try This Exercise

How to do it:
Position the body kneeling sideways
Left foot rests on the right foot
Then lower your hips until almost touching the floor
then push your hips while straightening your left leg laterally
Return to starting position and repeat on the opposite side
Do as much as 30-40 reps
Target: muscular shoulders, upper back, core muscles, glutes and outer thighs


Ladies, Want more Slim body? Let's Try This Exercise

How to do it:
Position the plank body such as push-ups or
Open your legs hip width exceeding
Then lift the right hand side to coincide with the left foot diagonally
Return to starting position
And do it on the reverse side
Perform 30 reps -40
Target: upper back, chest muscles, core or core muscles, and buttocks muscles.


Ladies, Want more Slim body? Let's Try This Exercise

How to do it:
Position the body crawling with palms clenched
Put your left hand on the floor
keep a straight right hand bend slightly
Lift your right foot to the left as much as possible
Then swing your right leg to the left as hard as possible
Return to starting position and repeat on the opposite side
Perform this movement as much as 30-40 reps
Target: back muscles, chest or chest, arms, glutes, and thighs outside


Ladies, Want more Slim body? Let's Try This Exercise

How to do it:
Posiskan squat body with the heel of the foot is lifted
Open wide your thighs
Then drop your knees into a kneeling position
Then put both hands on the floor to be like meranggkak
pull your right leg straight back and lift as much as possible
Do it on the reverse side
Perform this movement as much as 30-40 reps
targets: muscle backs, chest, arms, abdomen, glutes, inner thighs, quadriceps, and hamstrings.

So ladies, that's five exercises to make your body leaner, in order to get the most you can consume additional nutritional supplementation.


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